
Thursday, December 13, 2018

'Parent Child Relations Essay Essay\r'

'This account go forth briefly describe how Hindooism reflects my upbringings, as tumefy as my abili draws to communicate with multicultural parents, and their chelaren. This essay will entail the traditions and set that make up my identity, as well(p) as my everyday life. Further more(prenominal), my in depth dot of the struggles and hardships that immigrants nurse to deal with will allow me to read for whomever deals with similar circumstances.\r\n dower One A\r\n piece of music my household consists of a two- parent family, both parents dissent in numerous ship canal. The main differences that may be drawn to are culture. Culturally, both my parents were brought up in incompatible shipway, which eventually leads to it affecting my upbringing. My produce was innate(p) and raised in India where he chaseed one substantiality tradition. However, my mother was raised in England, amounting the similar tradition, part she celebrated holidays that were stunnedside of h er godliness, such as Christmas and Thanksgiving. This mixture of culture and tradition, from both my parents, allows me to view a greater scope of the variety of religious at that place are out there. Being from an origin of the Hindu background, there are several religious practices that shape the family relationship.\r\nMany of the cultural traditions that Hindu’s follow throughout the class in immediately or straight deal with family relationships, and connection through certain(p) bes. An illustration of one of the main traditions that happen every year is Raksha Bandhan. Raksha Bandhan is a day solely devoted to the adhere of the brother and sister. On this specific day, sisters are asked to tie a Rakhi around the brother’s wrist, which signifies the sisters praying for a life filled with love, happiness and prosperity (Raksha Bandhan n.d.). A Rakhi is a symbolic thread, which re rescues the love and affection a sister has for her brother. It can also be tell â€Å" this frail of thread of Rakhi is considered stronger than iron chains as it binds the most beautiful relationship in an indivisible bond of love and trust” (Raksha Bandhan n.d.).\r\nWhile maturation up, socialization from family and friends had a dramatic effect on the person I am today. Although the lessons I have learnt as a child did non directly take place verbally, many a(prenominal) were learned from observing my parents as they were going through their daily lives. not only did socialization affect the relationship among my parents and I, but it also taught me to adapt to social rules, and compass a sensitive outlook on culture.\r\nPart B\r\nFrom an early period of a child’s life, one-year-old children are taught not to discriminate amongst other cultures, and devotions. Moreover, children are taught to embrace all cultures, and values that the world has to offer us, with either it be music, art, religion or a diversity of food. While exa mining Guthrie’s hypothesis based on children learning crude cultural patterns, I weigh it is relevant to myself, for the former that I am involved in more than one culture, even though I follow one concrete religion. From a young age, I have been taught to abide by the Hindu culture, although this does not necessarily mean I missed out on the opportunity to celebrate multiple holidays distant of my culture. Annually, my family and I celebrate numerous festivals and celebrations even though they may not relate to our specific religion or culture.\r\nIt is noticed that all children can apply-mindedly get hold of cultural patterns more easily than adults, and this may be for numerous reasons. While observing Guthrie’s theory to the highest degree children learning new cultural patterns more easily than adults, I call back it would help me see with multicultural parents and their children by bring ining the fact that young children may be curious, or feel the i mply to ask questions about their religion and culture. As a young child, I was neer to sure about the reasons as to why we celebrated a certain tradition, or why we prayed to the specific gods that we did. Furthermore, I never felt comfortable enough asking my parents because I felt that might lecture me about religion or even look down on me. Just as I did, I believe that many children would also be struggling with jealous the conception behind their specific religion. As an ECS professional, I would be more than willing to explain, and empathize with multicultural parents and their children. This is why I believe that it is critical for ESC professionals to have a clear foundation based on religion, and culture of all sorts.\r\nPart Two C\r\nWhile being raised to have an open mind towards religion, culture, and traditions, I find that it will be first temperament for me to understand the variety of struggles that many immigrant parents had to deal with in their past. Coming f rom a family where my father emigrated from India, I have a broad concept of the struggles and difficulties many multicultural parents and their children may be arduous to over come. While being a new immigrant, my father only knew how to blab his first language, which was Punjabi. Moreover, while he first came to Canada he only had a limited amount of money, which would only suffice him for a short period of time. Comparatively, while I was maturement up, English was my first and only language, which I knew how to speak at the time.\r\nAs a result, this had made a language barrier between the two of us from a young age. Even at the present age, my father and I have found ways to work around this, such as him discourse in Punjabi while I may suffice in English. While dealing with this obstacle for a majority of my life, I have found ways to deal with this problem, and work around it. While on the job(p) as an ECS profession, I believe that my past experience having first hand difficulties with language would be a great addition working in a child welfare agency. For instance, if I were observing a child struggling with his or her peers, I would rede communication skills that would benefit the both of them, while article of belief them skills that they could use in the future. In addition, I believe that it is important for children of all ages not to judge different cultures or languages, simply because they may not understand that specific religion\r\nThis paper briefly explained the transactional and situational nature of my culture identity and how it would help me as an ECS professional. Furthermore, by using one of Guthrie’s five theories, I justified and related it to myself describing how it would assist me in percentage multicultural parents and their children. In conclusion, I believe that it is inborn that ECS professionals reflect upon themselves, and their overall identity, in order to discernment the value of tradition and cultur e in students, and multicultural parents everyday lives.\r\nReferences\r\nRaksha Bandhan. (n.d.). Society for the Confluence of Festivals in India. Retrieved from http://www.raksha-bandhan.com/\r\n'

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